Monday, March 28, 2011

changing my mind....

A pregnant girls allowed to do such things right???
I mean I do it when I order at a restaurant. I'm all set with with a chicken salad and then I see something shiny like mozzarella sticks!
Or I start trying to figure out dinner and all the sudden pizza is the only answer that really makes sense!
So I originally thought I was having one boy and one girl. And I'm going to now say I think it's two girls.
This could be from a variety of reasons leading me in this direction. First, I have my two girl names ready to go and can't for the life of me think of a single boy name. Second, I have a teenage boy at home so I'm seeing boys a little differently right now! Ok, yes people, I have not done teenage girls yet and I know that has to be worse than this but for now this is the only crazy I know! And third, I have all of Makenna's girl clothes still so that would sure be helpful since the double diaper thing is going to break us :)
I'll let you know in 10 days!!! Can't wait!! :)

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