Monday, April 23, 2012

It's that time again...

Baseball season oh how I love you! My favorite time of the year although this season looks different than last! I can get out of my chair by myself for starters! And I now have two more girls who dont enjoy quite as much as I do.The picture below is at the first game. I think thrilled is an understatement!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

8 months...

I dont seem to have time to blog much more than monthly updates on the girls. And the only reason I do that is that I hope to print these out for a baby book of some sorts. Some day ill have time to blog about all the other wonderful things are lives consist of right now but for now another update on these wonderful girls!
~ avery is fully mobile! Crawling everywhere and getting into everything!
~ alexa is not lol. She watches her sis and realizes how much work it is and goes back to whatever she was chewing on!
~lex is becoming frustrated because she is getting bored of just sitting. Well that and her sister crawls up and steals all her toys, equally as frustrating!
~ avery is finally becoming more vocal. She likes to take her fists and pat her mouth to make noises too.
~ they are eating small finger foods like peas, corn, and baby puffs. Their food time is about my only break time. Give them stuff to pick up and eat and I have 30 min to clean the kitchen! They love to eat!
~ I can hid a toy under something and they will find it
~ avery loves smiling at strangers and alexa's lip curls and tears well up in her eyes. Totally opposite in this area
~ I get called out of church service now because avery won't stop crying until she sees momma, endearing now but I know not so much later on
~ and well... sleep...not a victory yet but I remain hopeful lol
~ I keep forgetting to post about the boys with the girls. My boys have declared who their 'ninja' is for months now. Alexa is Brayden's ninja and Avery is Ben's. Its a very cute thing that is just between them. Asking how their ninja is or asking to hold their ninja. Daily battles between the ninjas occur as the boys move their arms and legs in jedi fashion, hilarious!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

7 months...a little late

Now that we are at 8 months today I figured I better do a quick update on our last month!
~ girls are both sitting up with ease
~ avery loves her daddy and alexa adores her momma!
~ avery is so busy! Just wants to explore and is army crawling to achieve her missions. She likes pine needles, pieces of dog hair, regular hair, lint, and cell phones as her toys of choice!
~ they are eating fruits and veggies 2 to 3 times a day.
~ they both think their siblings are amazing. No one can get them to laugh like they can
~we are sitting up in grocery carts which with twins is a bigger deal than you may think! It means I can go shopping without a stroller AND a cart in tow!
~ still not sleeping through the night in case any ones counting!
~ alexa is super vocal. Lots of 'dada' and one 'mama' but I got so excited that I scared her and she may now never say mommy lol
~ avery is quieter but its probably because she always has something in her mouth!
~lex got her two bottom teeth!
~ alexa talks to her sis and avery just laughs! Hands down my favorite thing!
~ avery still loves her feet and alexa still has no idea they exist!
~ avery weighs 14.9 and alexa 14.5
~ and finally they are growing hair!! Alexas stands straight up and Averys grows straight forward.
These girls make my heart complete! I adore each moment even the difficult ones! They've both been sick for 3 weeks and both want mommy. Its proved to be difficult and tiring but oh so rewarding that I have 2 babies needing and wanting their momma!